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The One4All portal was designed to streamline data validation and formatting tasks. Its primary function is to read a set of rules from a ‘CSV’ or ‘Excel’ file to validate a dataset.

The package functions and shiny application also helps in creating valid ‘Excel’ files with conditional formatting based on specified rules, making it easier to identify and manage inconsistencies in data. Overall, the One4All portal aims to enhance data validation and management processes for a more efficient and accurate workflow.

Users have the option to work in the R shiny application or the R package. The functionality in the validator app is based on the One4All package.


One4All is available from CRAN and GitHub.

Get the released version from CRAN:


Or the development version from GitHub:

# install.packages("remotes")

Access the validator tool below:

Getting Started

Additional Instructions

Access the pkgdown and vignettes here:


Contributions to One4All are welcome!


One4All is released under the MIT License. Please see the license file for more information.